withdraw order
withdraw order
*General sales can, in principle, be canceled within 24 hours of ordering. To cancel an order, please contact contact@karakubuy.com. However, even within the cancellation period, cancellation may not be possible once shipment preparation has begun.
* In order to prevent fraudulent use of credit cards on this site, security may be detected fraudulently depending on the customer's usage situation. If our site determines that your credit card has been used fraudulently, your order may be canceled without notifying you of the result. Please understand in advance that we will not be able to respond to the reason for cancellation as it is determined by our security system.
* In order to prevent fraudulent use of credit cards on this site, security may be detected fraudulently depending on the customer's usage situation. If our site determines that your credit card has been used fraudulently, your order may be canceled without notifying you of the result. Please understand in advance that we will not be able to respond to the reason for cancellation as it is determined by our security system.